Arts for the 21st Century

“For me, narrating counter-histories of slavery has always been inseparable from writing a history of present, by which I mean the incomplete project of freedom, and the precarious life of the ex-slave, a condition defined by the vulnerability to premature death and to gratuitous acts of violence.”        —Saidiya Hartman

Catherine John

Current Issue

If sharing between two makes a memory complete,
what happens when one forgets,
and every Do you remember? is met with a blank look.
A shake of the head, No, I don’t remember.
I don’t remember at all.

As I reflected on George Lamming’s life, a remarkable life, on where he was born in the village of Carrington, of the island of his birth, Barbados, and then on his profound literary and personal commitments to the Caribbean, I reflected and thought about these islands of ours washed by the Carib